The end up the school year means it’s time to thank your children’s teachers for their tireless dedication, patience and nurturing. Thanks to downloadable printables provided by some of the most talented and generous bloggers out there, you can give a gift that’s a little more special and a little more personal. These cute gift ideas and free printables are just what you need to leave a smile on any teacher’s face.
Movie Day On Me
Who wouldn’t appreciate a gift certificate to see a movie and a bunch of sweet treats to take along? Tater Tots and Jello is providing a free downable striped fry box template and gift tags to insert on the front of the box that say “Thanks for Making Me Feel Like a STAR.” She’s even provided two color options. Simply print the box template on card stock, and assemble by folding on the dotted lines. Once assembled, fill with a gift card and your teacher’s favorite candy.
Reusable Tumbler
A plastic cup with a lid and a straw makes for a practical gift and a sturdy receptacle for handmade thank you notes and kid drawings you can roll and insert inside. Make it an even better gift by inserting individual serving-size drink mixes, teas or instant coffee, or even a gift certicate to a coffee or smoothie shop. Top it off with an eye-catching flag to hang from the straw. Free flag printables with thank you note by Lisa Storms.

Succulent Garden
Here’s a DIY project that doesn’t take (too) much work and produces impressive results. The Idea Room tells you how to create a succulent garden in a customized, galvanized pot. The pot is mod-podged with pages from old dictionaries that include teacher-related words, such as guidance, grow and nurture. You’ll need the following supplies:
Pot, container or bucket
Old Dictionary Pages
Mod Podge
Paint Brush
Potting Soil
For a little more guidance and a printable label that reads “Teachers Plant Seeds of Knowledge that will Last Forever” click here. (Be forewarned, The Idea Room requires that you Like them on their Facebook page before they provide the printable.)

Extra-ordinary Teacher Treats Bags
If you have multiple kids and/or multiple teachers to thank (don’t forget music teachers, art teachers, aides, and bus drivers), a mini treat bag topped with a cute label that reads “You Are One EXTRAordinary Teacher!” is easy and affordable, and just as thoughtful as a bigger gift. Sweet Metel Moments created the free printable as a fold-over tag for 3 x4 inch plastic treat bags filled with Extra gum. Simply print the labels, and staple them to the tops of the filled bags. If you aren’t a fan of the gum, there’s another label that reads “Thanks for a Being Such a Sweet Teacher.” It’d be just right for a bag filled with any candy… and is just as cute.