Halloween is an exciting holiday and especially fun for kids. If you’re having a trusted sitter celebrate the holiday with your family this year, you’ll want to share these important Halloween safety guidelines before sending her trick-or-treating. They’re also helpful reminders for you, even if you’ve led the candy collecting charge many times before.
Tips for Mindful Trick-or-Treating
- Use a flashlight to see where you’re going and take advantage of reflective tape or glow sticks to make kids visible in the dark. This protects them from cars and also makes it easier for you to keep an eye on them in the dark.
- Choose well-lighted neighborhoods with sidewalks and easy accessibility or opt for an organized trick-or-treating event at a local school, park or shopping center.
- Use crosswalks or cross at corners and remind kids to always look both ways before crossing the street. They should know never to dart out into the street.
- Have a Do Not Enter rule for houses and cars.
- Always stay in a group.
- Keep a phone on hand for emergencies, but make sure you aren’t glued to it instead of keeping an eye on the kids.
- Remind kids to stay away from candles and jack-o-lanterns with open flames.
- If no one is home at your own house while you’re out trick-or-treating, opt for a jack-o-lantern with an LED candle.
Choose Smart Costumes
- Test make-up before Halloween night to make sure your child is not allergic to it.
- Make sure costumes are safe and easy to walk in. Have kids wear comfortable shoes instead of unprotective slippers or dress- up shoes that can cause blisters and pinched toes.
- Avoid masks or costumes that block or hamper vision. Make sure hats don’t slip over their eyes.
- Check to make sure store-bought costumes are flame-resistant.
- If kids’s costumes include swords, wands or other hand-held props, make sure they are short and not sharp.
Be Selective with Treats
- Feed kids a healthy, satisfying meals before they go trick-or-treating to discourage them from filling up on candy.
- Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them.
- Limit kids from eating too many sugary sweets.
- Avoid homemade treats.
- Don’t allow young children to have hard candy or gum that could cause choking.
- Devise a plan for dealing with the loads of candy your child will bring home. Many families have kids choose a certain number of pieces, and trade the rest in for a toy or special activity.
You can make sure your family has a safe and fun-filled Halloween by taking a few minutes to remind yourself of these safety tips and to share them with your sitter.