Why is Spring is a great time to book a babysitter? Read on to find out:
1. Spring cleaning. Think of all you could accomplish without your usual distractions. Not sure where to start? Check out Over 100 Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks from How Does She? and the room-by-room checklist from the Huffington Post. You’ll have your digs sparkling like never before.
2. Don’t give up on your new year’s resolution to get fit. Now is the perfect time to try that new exercise class… before bathing suit season comes knocking at your door.
3. You don’t need a holiday party as an excuse to get out and enjoy your spouse. Plan a spontaneous date night just for the two of you. Make it dinner and a movie, or jazz it up to really reignite the sparks. Take a dance lesson? Relive your first date? Maybe tackle a tough hike or a long bike ride on an afternoon date that’ll make you feel like your pre-kid selves. Need more ideas? Check out our Pinterest Date Night Board.
4. Throw open the windows and enjoy your newly cleaned home ALL BY YOURSELF. Remember how nice it is to be home alone? No? We didn’t think so. Send your babysitter and the kids on a fun spring outing while you have the place to yourself.
5. Saturdays have never been busier. Does your Saturday to-do list look something like this:
- Carpool to soccer game
- Pick up dry cleaning
- Stop at market for weekend necessities
- Bring snacks to Little League
- Buy treats and fill 24 plastic Easter eggs for class party
- Take toddler to swim lessons
- Drop off at birthday party (don’t forget to pick up a gift on the way)
Wouldn’t it be so much nicer if it read like this, if even just for one Saturday?
- Hand over the kids to the babysitter on the way to grabbing coffee
- Yoga
- Lunch with pals
- Shoe shopping
- Cocktails with better half
Hire a babysitter to cover your duties for the day. The kids will enjoy mixing it up a bit, too!
6. After you’ve cleaned out the closets and stashed the sweaters and boots, it’s likely there are a few holes to fill. We bet you’d rather Shop for Spring with a friend or go it solo – really, it’s unarguably no fun to shop with kids in tow. Better yet, if you’ve never had a shopping date with your oldest child, give it a go. He or she will adore having your undivided attention to pick out some new Spring favorites, and you’ll be feel refreshed after a day with just one child.
7. Now that the holidays are over and before summer arrives, grab the opportunity to catch up those projects that always fall to the bottom of the list and are always hanging over your head. You know the ones – the baby book, photo album, family blog, school year scrapbook, or maybe you’ve Pinned a DIY project you’d love to try… if only you had the time. Now you do.