Wondering what average babysitting rates are in 2021?

Every year, UrbanSitter calculates average rates across the nation from the tens of thousands of babysitting jobs booked on its site and app. While sitters typically base their rates on child care experience, job responsibilities and the local cost of living, these averages can help set a baseline when you’re hiring a babysitter or nanny or when you’re deciding how much to charge for babysitting. Read on for the average babysitting rates in your city, plus more fun facts. The national average is $18.36/hour for 1 child and $21.23/hour for 2 children.

2021 babysitting rates

Find your specific city’s rate now:

Babysitting Rates 2021

Area/U.S. CityHourly Rate for 1 ChildHourly Rate for 2 Children
Atlanta, GA$16.86$17.47
Austin, TX$17.26$19.49
Boston, MA$18.69 $21.13
Chicago, IL$16.06$17.02
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX$13.72$16.50
Denver, CO$15.84$18.89
Houston, TX $17.07 $19.10
Las Vegas, NV $12.53 $17.18
Los Angeles, CA $18.26 $24.80
Nashville, TN $15.31 $17.16
New York City, NY $18.94 $22.13
Philadelphia, PA $15.19 $17.09
Phoenix, AZ $16.70 $19.52
Portland, OR$15.98 $17.30
San Antonio, TX$12.54 $13.55
San Diego, CA $16.02 $19.60
San Francisco, CA$21.17 $23.56
Seattle, WA $18.82 $20.67
Washington, DC $18.00 $19.38

Looking for a babysitter or nanny? Join UrbanSitter to browse profiles, sort by pay rate, and book jobs online.

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