The perfect babysitterYou’ve finally found her, the perfect babysitter!

Your life is about to change.  You start thinking about all of the new restaurants you’ve wanted to try.  You imagine how wonderful it will be after she gets to know the kids and their routine.  When she shows up at the door your kids will be eager to see her. They will pull her into the house to show her their latest game or activity.  At this point she will be comfortable giving them dinner and a bath. No need to leave instructions.

Whoa, slow down a minute

Before you invite her to watch the kids on your next family vacation, it might be helpful to understand what sitters are looking for in a family and babysitting job.  The same way you put your best foot forward on a first date there are things that parents can do to make sure there is a “second date”!  We surveyed the babysitters on UrbanSitter and have some helpful tips to share with you based on their responses.

Money isn’t everything

While money is important to sitters, it’s not the number one factor in a sitter’s decision to accept a job.  “Liking the children” is the most important factor in accepting a job according to our sitters. (Hmm, I have twin toddler boys. My chances of getting a second date are not looking good. So much for my “offer them more money” strategy.)   “Convenient job location” and “liking the parents” closely follow on the list of sitter considerations.  One sitter commented that she is mostly likely to accept a babysitting job, “If I like the parents and we have mutual respect for each other.”

Safety first

The sitters were also asked about what would prevent them from babysitting for a family again.  Luckily for my family the response, “There was nothing to eat, “ received no votes.  I guess our refrigerator void of pizza, snacks or even yummy leftovers is not keeping sitters away.  Feeling unsafe in the home was the number one reason why a sitter would not babysit for a family again.  One sitter said, “If I am comfortable in the home and with the family, all is well!”  Spend your extra money on buying a second deadbolt versus ordering a pizza for your sitter.  Sitters who responded to the survey were also less than thrilled about sitting for a family who expected them to accomplish too much.  Looks like I may have to take washing those last few dishes in the sink off the wish list.

Skip the call

Now you’re ready to keep that perfect sitter.  Wait!  Before you pick up the phone to call her about next Saturday night, we have one final tip for you.  Book her online, send a text or an email message.  Sitters would rather not get a phone call!

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