UrbanSitter is excited to announce groundbreaking new features designed to make your babysitter search faster and more efficient than ever before. These features launch today in select cities as part of new membership packages. Log in to view Membership Plans available in your area.

Lights, camera, action!

Babysitter Profile Video

At UrbanSitter, we strive to provide lots of information and efficient tools to help you find the babysitter that’s best for you. New Babysitter Profile Videos bring a sitter’s profile to life as they introduce themselves in a short 30 to 90-second clip.

When your time is precious, profile videos can help you screen a handful of sitters quickly. Of course, videos can’t replace a face-to-face interview, but they can provide a level of assurance, especially if you’re nervous about meeting a new sitter for the first time.

You’ve got questions…. A LOT of questions.

New UrbanSitter FeaturesNaturally, when you’re looking for a babysitter, you’re bound to have lots of questions. Even before you get to the point of interviewing, sometimes you just want to ask a question: Will you babysit twins? Are you okay driving my car since you don’t have one? One question can make all the difference, and you don’t want to waste time. That’s why we created the new Ask a Question tool, so you can message sitters anytime with a quick question.

You can also add optional Screening Questions when you post a job to the Job Board. Sitters who are interested in your job may include short replies to your screening questions with their profile, so you can get to know them before the interview. Ask your “make-or-break” questions or general questions to get a sense for their personality. You can choose from our list of common questions, or write your own.

Curious about UrbanSitter’s new features? Create a free account today and start searching for babysitters in your area!

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