One thing we have learned over the past few months is that child care is essential for working parents, but it hasn’t been treated that way during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents all across America are struggling to find a balance between working productively and managing the safety, socialization and education of their children.
A recent survey conducted by UrbanSitter shows that the number one stressor for working parents is juggling work and home responsibilities, and it’s become very clear that this child care crisis continues to crush working parents with no end in sight:
The stress is just too much
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of many child care centers, preschools and schools across the country, which has put a huge strain on working parents. Our survey data revealed that 72% of parents do not currently have any form of child care. Additionally, 70% of parents are finding it really difficult to work remotely with their kids.
In fact, survey data has also revealed that for 1 in 5 parents, this experience has made them more likely to quit their job. As many schools across the country announced they will continue the remote learning model starting in the fall, the stress and worry these parents are feeling is compounded.
To school or not to school
The start of the new school year amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has many working parents on edge. School schedules are in flux, with many schools turning to full-time remote learning or a hybrid model starting in fall. These types of learning models, realistically, require supervision and guidance, especially for the younger learners, which most working parents are unable to provide.
For the younger children, day care centers that are staying open, or re-opening their facilities in the fall, are taking extra safety precautions. However, 64% of parents surveyed are, in fact, worried about sending their children back to a day care, despite the extra precautions that are being taken. Finances aside, the top choice for parents is to hire a dedicated in-home caregiver.
How employers can help
It’s no secret that working parents are struggling and need help. With the stress of juggling children and work, and the worry that they are not maintaining productivity or availability, parents are saying that the best way that their employers can help is by providing them with child care benefits.
With the UrbanSitter corporate care program, employers can not only provide access to quality child care, but also help subsidize or cover costs. To learn more about how you can support productivity and provide employees with a reliable child care solution, visit us.